Dance Studies Association Institutional Members

Membership in DSA is open to all persons and organizations interested in advancing the field of dance studies through research, publication, performance, and outreach to audiences across the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Institutional membership is a direct mode of support for graduate student workers and contingent faculty.  

A new Tiered Institutional Membership was introduced in April 2022, with a fee structure based on annual organizational/departmental budgets (self-reported).  With this change, and the additional benefits listed below, DSA continues to work to undo financial barriers to access.  We hope that this new tiered institutional membership structure will encourage departments and organizations to join DSA as a way to support large contingent faculties and/or graduate student populations.  

  • Up to 10 digital memberships – 7 of which must be for contingent/non-tenured faculty and/or graduate students (must be currently affiliated with the member institution) - includes member registration rates, conference presentation eligibility, JSTOR access, and voting rights
  • 20% discount on conference advertising, exhibiting, sponsorships
  • Open access to the annual book series, Studies in Dance, published by the University of Michigan Press
  • Electronic access to Dance Research Journal for all 10 affiliated memberships
  • Access to JSTOR

TIERED FEE STRUCTURE: Annual Budget >$200K = $1000; Annual Budget $50K - $200K = $750; Annual Budget <$50K = $500

email Membership Manager, Maggie Bridger, for any/all help with setting up an Institutional Membership: [email protected]

Current DSA Institutional Members:

Beijing Dance Academy Logo


Colby College Logo



 Loyola Marymount University Dance Department's Loge

The Ohio State University Logo

 Princeton University Logo

 Southern Utah University Logo

 Swathmore College Logo

 Texas Tech University Logo

Texas Woman's University Logo


University of the arts logo


Universidas Nacional De Las Artes


University of Calgary Logo

University of Chicago Committee on Theatre and Performance Studies Logo

 U Hawaii

University of Michigan Logo

 University of North Carolina Greensboro logo


University of Southern California Logo

University of Texas at Austin Theatre and Dance Logo

University of Wisconsin Madison Logo