Pedagogical Packets (part of the work)


DSA is working to gather more consciously (virtually and in-person), to witness and listen deeply, critically, and with care. How we do this in practice is an ongoing experiment throughout 2023 and this is the first iteration of a project that asks DSA's community to integrate events from 2023's Movement, Mobility, and Reciprocity Conference Symposia series into classroom discussions, viewings, and assignments.  We are asking ourselves: 

  • What does reciprocity look like in action for DSA?
  • How can listening also be an act of doing and undoing?
  • How can we not only momentarily recenter marginalized voices, but also pave the way to dismantling the systemic marginalization of these voices in our classrooms and scholarship?
  • How can we invest in individual authors, speakers, artists or widen their visibility - before we turn our support to well-established organizations and institutions?
  • How can teaching resources centered on methodologies and epistemologies from the Global South help to put in practice DSA's commitments towards expanding scholarship in dance studies and supporting decolonial, anti-racist, inclusive and accessible resources? And how can such expansion strengthen institutional recognition and support dance studies as a critical field of knowledge production?
As DSA's membership and community continues to grow in numbers, group viewings of virtual events - paired with curated pedagogical resources - is a productive way for members to cultivate community, to expand their field of vision and critical thinking, and to integrate exclusive and carefully curated audio-visual resources into the classroom.  Finally, by choosing to purchase a Pedagogical Packet you not only support equitable presenter compensation, translation services and essential conferencing softwares, but also ensure that everyone in your group has free access to the conference, without undercutting registration fees. 

Radical Acts of Translation - Pedagogical Packets, May 2023

REGISTER FOR ACCESS - $300 for nonmembers/$200 for DSA members 

This Pedagogy Packet includes access to virtual conference events for up to 50 individuals, as well as asynchronous access to recorded events for up to one-month.  Additionally, it includes:

  • General Provocation related to the symposia (Question/Assignment prompt and 5 related viewings)
  • A Conversation to Not Give Up on Imagining New Worlds with choreographer Lia Rodrigues and producer Gabi Goncales (QuestionAssignment prompt and 3 related readings)
  • Translator of Worlds with Ailton Krenak, Vera Passos, and Ciane Fernandes (Question/Assignment prompt and 4 related readings)
  • Creative Assignment (Question/Assignment prompt and 1 related reading)

The Pedagogical Packet comes with live links to all related viewings and PDFs of all related readings.  DSA has worked with authors and publishers to acquire permissions to any citations herein that are not already openly accessible.  This Packet includes readings that have been translated for the purposes of this project.  The Radical Acts of Translation Pedagogy Packet centers Brazilian artists and scholars, drawing upon critical discussions around bodily arts (a well-established field of study in Brazil).